RDM Studio

Devi Flow

Odissi dance is a combination of powerful mantras and yoga based dance movements to essentially connect the human spirit to the divine. After decades of regular discplined practice, Nilanjana bears testimony to the transformative power of Odissi. She says “ Odissi balances the Shiva Shakti energy-masculine and feminine energies and realigns the chakras so that deep healing happens and one can reach spiritual bliss and happiness.”
Workshops explore this connection between yoga, Odissi movements, breath and consciousness. Sanskrit mantras familiarize you with the story of the Hindu Gods & Goddesses using the nuances of odissi movements, mudras and the emotion of bhakti.
Devi Flow is designed for you to embody the power of the Devi. It is offered at live performances by RDM Studio. The audience is invited to participate in this dance movement with live kirtan and mantra singing at yoga, bhakti and wellness festivals. This program is a prelude to learning Odissi. No prior experience is needed.


